Dear Central Family:
For several years, our staff has been searching for a tool to help us get a better pulse on where our congregation is regarding various life matters including faith, finances, health, relationships, and work life. Last year, our Strategic Plan Committee identified a survey instrument called the PeoplePulse Assessment available through the Barna Group.
Barna is a nationally renowned Christian research organization that has been conducting studies of this nature for approximately 40 years. The plan to conduct the survey was approved by our Church Council.
Our plan is to conduct the survey among the Central family in January and July each year. We will be able to compare the results to national results obtained from other churches and over time establish a trend line for our own congregation. The survey is anonymous and is completed online taking approximately five minutes.
The results of the survey will help our staff better identify discipleship and spiritual needs within our church. The more responses we can receive to the assessment, the more accurate the findings will be. We hope you will take a few minutes to complete this survey. We also plan to share the aggregate results with the church family as well.
To complete the survey please click here.
Serving Christ Together,
Central UMC