Dear Central Family,
In late April, Central’s Church Council voted to hold informational sessions regarding the current landscape of the United Methodist Church. The objective of these sessions was to provide information to our church family about the ongoing schism within our denomination. Three sessions were scheduled throughout May and early June. Those sessions have now been
The Church Council also voted to conduct a survey of our church family after the information sessions to help us get a sense of the pulse of our church family. Originally, the survey had been scheduled for release today (June 6). However, there have been some delays in building that survey, so it is not quite ready. Therefore, we have
made a decision to postpone the survey for the time being so that we can refine the survey content and explore options regarding the manner in which the survey will be conducted.
When a decision has been made about the survey, we will provide information via numerous methods to the church family. These will include emails to the church family, posting on the church website, and a letter mailed to the address on file for each of our church member families. We want to get this right the first time and believe taking this
momentary pause will enable us to receive information that will be most helpful to our Church Council as they deliberate on next steps. I do want to reiterate that there will be NO church vote taken in this survey. It will merely provide indicators and feedback to help inform our future decisions.
In His Service,
Carness Vaughan
Senior Pastor