Dear Central Family,
A few weeks ago, Central completed a series of three identical informational meetings about the current landscape in the United Methodist Church. As part of this process, our Church Council has directed that a survey be conducted of the Central membership to help further gauge the pulse of our church family as we seek to navigate this season in the life of our
Central UMC has engaged Main Street Analytics of Little Rock, AR to conduct a survey of the church family regarding the schism within our denomination. On July 8, a letter is being mailed to all church members for whom the church has a mailing address. The letter will contain a website address that can be opened from any device connected to the
Internet to access the survey site. The letter will also contain a unique code that each member can utilize to participate in the survey. The survey will be open from July 11-29. It will close at midnight on July 29.
Per our agreement with Main Street Analytics, no individual survey responses will be shared with the church in any way. Only aggregate survey responses, in report form, will be provided to the church. Thus, all respondents can be assured of anonymity. The results of the survey will be shared with the Church Council
at their meeting in mid-August and made available on the church website at the completion of the process.
We anticipate the survey will take 3-5 minutes to complete and want you to know how much we value your response. Your feedback will be valuable to our church leadership as we seek to discern God’s plan for Central as we move through this process together.
Serving Christ Together!!
Central's Executive Team