Dear Central
Seven years ago, when I came on staff at Central United Methodist Church to serve as your Director of Music & Fine Arts, my life changed for the better! So much has
happened in this time that brings me great joy. I am so proud of the quality of music in our worship services, led by our talented volunteer choir and ensembles. I am also proud of Central’s beautifully renovated sanctuary, the new music building and the Buzard pipe organ which were built during my tenure. Because of all of this, and because of your constant support, my years at Central have been among the most satisfying of my
So, it is with both a measure of sadness and anticipation that I share with you that I have accepted the position of Minister of Music, Arts & Worship at Pulaski
Heights UMC in Little Rock. I will commence my duties there in mid-July. This was not an easy decision to make. But after a time of prayer and reflection I opted to pursue, and ultimately be offered, the position.
I will remain in my current position through mid-June and hope to have ample time to say my goodbyes and farewells to each of you before wrapping up my ministry here.
Please know just how much I have loved my time at Central, and I will take with me the fondest memories and valued friendships.
In His Service,
Dr. Frode Gundersen
Director of Music & Fine Arts
Central United Methodist Church
6 West Dickson St
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
903.330.9257 (cell)