Dear Central Family,
As we have previously communicated, the Church Council met on August 10 and voted 18-6 for Central to enter the Discernment Process for possible disaffiliation from the United
Methodist Church. Subsequently, we received certification from the NW District Superintendent that the documentation submitted was sufficient to allow us to commence the minimum 90-day period of discernment.
A team of Church Council members has completed their work on a written Discernment Plan that we are required to develop. The Plan presently is ready to go before our Church Council
for their approval. Following Church Council approval, it must be certified by the NW District Superintendent and Appointive Cabinet, which includes the Bishop and other district superintendents.
Early last week two Central members on behalf of the United for Central Advocacy Group, filed a request with Arkansas Conference Bishop Gary Mueller requesting that certification of Central’s Discernment
Process be halted because the motion adopted by the Church Council did not comply with provisions of the Book of Discipline regarding disaffiliation.
This past Friday, August 19, Bishop Mueller,
sent a letter to the Central Church Council and church membership indicating that he was indeed going to pause Central’s Discernment Process until such time as the Church Council could meet and adopt a new motion that was in compliance. The motion utilized on August 10 by Central’s Church Council was almost identical to motions utilized at many churches across the Conference that have previously sought to
enter the Discernment Process for possible disaffiliation. While we are unclear of the impact that the Bishop’s action may have on other churches, we do know that this goes beyond our local congregation.
We are seeking additional clarification from Bishop Mueller and the Arkansas Conference legal team regarding several additional legal points raised by the two Central members that extend beyond
the adoption of a revised motion that we believe need to be addressed before asking our Church Council to meet for additional consideration of this matter.
We believe it is vital that our church leadership have some of these lingering questions answered before further consideration of how Central may proceed. In the meantime, we have suspended our process to seek the clarity we need and will update
you as soon as we are able to do so.
We have also opted to postpone Listening Session I that was scheduled for this Sunday, August 28. An announcement on that status of Listening Session I will be made after we have received answers to the matters referenced above.
In Christ,
Rev. Carness Vaughan
Senior Pastor