Dear Central Family,
As was mentioned in the email sent out earlier this week, Bishop Laura Merrill has appointed Rev. Jennie Williams to be the Lead Pastor here at Central beginning July 1. Rev.
Williams will be transitioning from her role as Lead Pastor at Elm Springs UMC where she has been serving since 2020. She and her husband, Brandon, have two children, Clarke (8) and Ellis (6). I know you’ll want to join me in welcoming Pastor Jennie to Central. If you wish to send her a word of welcome, encouragement, or congratulations you may reach her at Rev. Williams joins Central in the midst of a unique transition in the life of our church, and we, as a church family, certainly want to lift her and her family up in prayer during this season.
Speaking of transition, two informational meetings
provided for in the Amicable Reconciliation and Separation Agreement adopted by the Charge Conference have now been scheduled. Depending on your schedule and preferences you may wish to attend one or both sessions.
The first session will be held on Monday, April 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the Activities Center and will provide an opportunity to learn more about the formation of the new Christ Church, an
independent, non-denominational church that will be launching this summer under the leadership of Central’s current pastoral team. I will be leading this session and will share the mission, vision, and core values for Christ Church, as well as the timeline for its launch and related details.
The second session will be held on Thursday, April 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the Activities Center and will provide
an opportunity to learn more about the continuing Central UMC. Information shared will include the new pastoral leadership, lay leadership, financial and staffing update, and how the interim period from May 15-June 30 will be handled. Central’s Lay Leader, Chuck Culver, will be leading this session and we anticipate hearing a word from Rev. Williams as she prepares to join Central in a few short months.
Please be in prayer for Central in the weeks to come as everyone discerns where God might be leading them. I truly believe that this Amicable Reconciliation and Separation agreement is a way for the Kingdom to be multiplied, not divided, and I trust that God’s Holy Spirit will be at work in all three churches – Central, Christ Church, and Genesis – in the years to
come. God bless, and I hope to see you here for services on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Easter!
In Christ,
Carness Vaughan