Adult Classes and Small Groups are starting next week! We hope you find something that calls to you. Wednesdays will be a big
night each week with something for everyone, including dinner that starts at 5 p.m. We can't wait to see you at Central! Register here. |
Sunday Night Youth is a time for small groups and worship. Let's do life together through small group devotions and fellowship. Kick-off is this Sunday, September 10, 5-7 p.m.! We need adults to serve as small group leaders each week. If you are interested in this service opportunity, contact Zack here. |
If you are new to our church or want to learn about becoming a member, you are invited to Exploring Membership. Join us for
Exploring Membership at Central Sunday, September 10; for more information and to register, click here.
ORGIANO DUO CONCERT September 10 | 3:00pm | Sanctuary Save the date! Scott Montgomery and Frode Gundersen reunite in Central’s sanctuary to present a piano and organ duo concert. Read more here. |
Please save the date for Beyond Our Walls on Saturday, November 4—more information to come. Beyond Our Walls is a mission of
Central UMC to serve those in our community. |
Central Youth's Fall Retreat is just around the corner, September 29-October 1. We will leave the church at 6 p.m. on Friday and
return at noon on Sunday. The cost is $150 per student. Register here. |
YA Gathering: Thursday, September 14 Are you looking for a place to talk about life and faith with other young adults ages 22 - 34? Join us once a month on Thursdays at 6 p.m. You don't have to be a member of CUMC to join us; show up and get connected! All are welcome. |
The U of A Wesley is hosting an Open House on Saturday, September 9, before the Kent State Game. Feel free to drop in from 10
a.m.-2 p.m., check out their space, and mingle with students. You can find the U of A Wesley at 520 N. Lindell Ave |
Good Sam is collecting Ramen Noodles this month. Food bins are in the Narthex and the south end of
CAC. |
We are saving you a seat at the table. This fall, we would love to see you at dinner on Wednesdays. Dinner is prepared by the amazing Edna Combs and Sheryl Pearson and will surely be one of your favorite meals every week. So, take a night not to cook or do dishes. Drop in anytime from 5-6 for food and fellowship. Dinner is $7 for adults (ages 12+), $5 for children (ages 2-11), and free for children under two. Maximum amount per family is $25. Our first meal is Wednesday, September 13. All are welcome! |