March 19, 2020
Dear Central Family:
It seems that much of the world is in chaos. We continue to see increasing numbers of people diagnosed
with COVID-19 and the number of those succumbing to it growing as well. Businesses are closing, people are losing their jobs, the stock market seems to be in freefall, many items at stores are in short supply, and we are learning how to do daily life differently. In the midst of this, it would be easy to have feelings of despair and hopelessness. However, we must remember that we are the church. We are not just the church when we attend worship services on
the church campuses. Indeed, we are the church wherever we are located, and we must be a people of hope despite the challenges of this world.
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Worship & Events
Over the course of this week, we continue to review the latest information provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and our state and local government officials. After praying about this and conferring with one another, we believe it is in the best interest of all to cancel all in-person worship, classes, and events at Central and Genesis through Saturday, April 4. It is highly likely that we will extend this date further, but
we will wait until near the end of March to decide on additional cancellations.
Despite the limitations of not meeting in person, our worship team has been meeting to plan a live stream worship experience for Sundays, March 22 & 29 at 10:45 a.m. The services will be live streamed through our website and on the Genesis Church Facebook page. If you are unable to watch the live stream, you may watch the service later on the church website or on the Genesis Facebook page.
When you meet together in the name of our Lord Jesus, I’ll be present in spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus.
I Corinthians 5:4
COVID-19 Response
We are so proud of how our church is responding. You are stepping up in many ways by:
- Prayers. Offering prayer for the safety of our health care workers, pharmacy and grocery store employees, those who are being displaced by business closings, our government leaders, and for one another.
- Handy Helpers. Participating in the new Handy Helpers ministry to assist those in our church family who are unable to leave their homes by bringing them groceries and prescriptions.
- Tele-care Ministry. Being a part of our Tele-care ministry as you utilize telephone and email to check on the well-being of those who live alone, are ill, and those who are struggling with the impact on our economy.
- Food Provision. Continuing to help us provide food for those in need as we support other care programs in our community with the Genesis food pantry and assisting with the preparation of meals for the Salvation Army at the Genesis Church campus.
You can check our website under the COVID-19 Response page for ways to volunteer and to request assistance from the church. Or, call the church office at 479-442-4237.
Therefore encourage one another, and let each one help to strengthen his friend, as in fact you do.
I Thessalonians 5:11
CUMC Ministry Areas
- Music Ministry. Our Music Department is going to offer videos each Monday through social media with weekly Melodious Monday presentations.
- Children’s Ministry. Please note the following:
- Worship bags with a lesson and activity kits for the family will be available starting on Friday (and each Friday thereafter) in front of the Education Building in a tub.
- Check out the Central Children’s Ministry Facebook page for daily family lessons, family activities. Each Wednesday at 6 p.m. there will be live interactive lessons.
- Download the LifeWay Kid’s app so you can do Sunday school lessons, which include a video, as a family. After downloading the app, download Gospel Project Spring 2020. It will commence this Sunday with lesson 19, “Jesus was born.”
- Student Ministry. Our Student Ministry is providing daily devotionals through Instagram and live video on Sunday and Wednesday evenings through Instagram that will be interactive for our youth. We are also utilizing group text to communicate with small groups regularly.
We also want to ask that you continue to help support the church through your giving. Our staff is meeting regularly through video conferences and with some still working regularly at the church office. We are seeking to leverage technology to reach our children, youth, and families through social media, online meetings, and email to help maintain community. This past weekend, our giving was well below our normal level. We are able to reduce some expenses during this time,
but we continue to try and carry out the business, ministry, and mission of the church to the best of our abilities. You can help us continue to worship together through our tithes and offerings by:
- By online and providing a one-time electronic gift or setting up recurring giving that can help us maintain constant and dependable levels of giving.
- Offering a gift via text at 479-802-3343. When you text a gift, be sure to type the word “Central” or “Genesis” beside the amount to help us know which campus it supports.
- You may also mail your gift to: Central UMC, Finance Office, PO Box 1106, Fayetteville, AR 72702.
We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but we do know that our great God is watching over us, that Jesus Christ will sustain us, and that the Holy Spirit is among us. Daily life is not normal, but with God’s help we will adjust and continue to be a people of hope that love our neighbors and lift high the name of Jesus Christ in a world that is hurting and needs the hope that can only come through Him.
Grace & Peace,
Dr. Jan Davis,
Senior Pastor
Dr. Steve Pulliam,
Executive Pastor
Brian Swain,
Executive Director