Our buildings may be closed, but Central remains open. The question we hear most frequently these days regards when on-campus activities and worship will resume. We want to assure each of you that we are studying the situation every day and are considering all information and data available from the governmental and medical
communities. Our primary interest is ensuring your safety to the highest degree possible as we explore our options.
Resuming On-Campus Worship
- Arkansas Bishop Gary Mueller has closed all United Methodist churches in Arkansas through May 17 with the expectation this will be extended.
- The Arkansas Conference UMC has created a task force of 14-persons involving conference staff, members of the medical community and clergy and laity from within the conference. Central’s Executive Director, Brian Swain, has been appointed by the Bishop to serve on this task force, which is expected to have initial recommendations in the
next two weeks.
- A task force has also been created at Central that is meeting on a weekly basis. Members of this task force include: Rachel Boatz, Pam Cross, Dr. Jan Davis, Rev. Jody Farrell, Dr. Frode Gundersen, Janice Hanna, Hayden Lenderman, Dr. Steve Pulliam, Brian Swain, Julie Thibodaux, and TJ Williams. An initial report from the Central
task force will be given to the Church Council on May 17. After this meeting, we will share details of the Council’s findings with the church family.
- In general, both the Central and Conference task forces believe it is likely that in-person worship will resume with the smallest Arkansas congregations and gradually move to the larger congregations. The Bishop’s general direction is that he expects to take a very cautious approach.
- Central will minimally be closed for on-campus activities through May 31.
Worship Plans
Recently, we have invested in new live streaming equipment for the sanctuary and it is expected to be installed in the next few weeks. We are also pleased to announce that we have been in the process of installing a new platform to improve your worship experience for online Sunday morning worship. We anticipate launching it on
Sunday, May 10. We will continue to stream our service on both the Central and Genesis Facebook pages as well.
Since we ceased in-person worship on March 15, most of our services have sought to provide portions of worship featuring our main campus classic and contemporary elements and incorporating our Genesis campus as well. We have received very positive feedback regarding this worship experience. And, we believe it has brought our entire
church family much closer together. We will continue this format in the weeks ahead, but we also believe it is important to provide fuller worship experiences from each of our three venues in order to help us transition back to our more normal patterns. Therefore, on Sunday, May 31, we will be revising our worship schedule as follows:
- 8:30 a.m. – Pre-recorded contemporary worship will be streamed on the church website and through the Central Facebook page. The service may also be watched on demand afterwards.
- 9:30 a.m. – Most adult Sunday School classes will be meeting through Zoom and children’s classes will be meeting on the CCM Facebook page.
- 10:45 a.m. – A live stream classic service will be streamed on the church website and through the Central Facebook page from Central’s Sanctuary. Only pastors and staff involved in the service will be in the Sanctuary.
- 10:45 a.m. – A live feed of the Genesis worship service will be streamed on the soon to be launched Genesis website and on the Genesis Facebook page at 10:45 a.m.
Local Missions
Despite the challenges of these times, we have continued to provide focus on our key missions of helping and serving our community. The Community Meals program has temporarily relocated to our Genesis campus and is serving meals every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. About 75 people are participating at each of these
grab-and-go lunch opportunities. Central’s Good S.A.M. ministry is receiving food donations every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on the north end of the Activities Center. The Genesis Food Pantry program has remained a lifeline to those who are food-challenged. Bags of groceries are put together each week and provided to LifeSource and the Salvation Army for distribution. The Actions & Truth ministry continues to assist those in our community
who are most vulnerable by offering a helping hand.
Summer Schedule
- All student ministries mission trips have been cancelled.
- All adult mission trips have been cancelled.
- Vacation Bible School will be held virtually the week of June 15-19. Registration is available online through our website. Additional details will be forthcoming soon from the Children’s Ministry staff.
- Many of us are feeling the impact of these challenging times. In response, Central is offering an online seven-week course called Live Well that begins on May 7. Live Well provides coping strategies to help overcome anxiety and depression that many of us are encountering because of the disruptions to our normal routines and reduced
interactions with other people. This new study will equip you with a healthy approach to get better rest, nutrition and exercise. There is no charge for the class, but you will need to register at Central’s website as there is a limited number of spaces. For more information contact kwitte@centraltolife.com.
- We will also be scheduling several short-term summer online adult studies that will be announced by mid-May, including “Paul’s Letters to the Thessalonians” which will be led by Dr. Steve Pulliam.
Many businesses will be or are considering taking the temperature of those who will be entering their premises. Since we are not able to do that right now, we would like to take the pulse of our church family instead. An email with a survey will be sent out next week. We hope you will take about five
minutes to provide us with your valuable feedback as we shape our plans for resuming on-campus activities and worship. The Arkansas Conference is planning on conducting a similar survey in the weeks ahead, but we wanted to get input specifically related to our situation.
Because of your ongoing faithfulness, Central continues to be in a steady position financially. We cannot express how grateful we are for your support. We realize many of you are struggling with your own financial challenges and we want to be there for you. If you need help, please reach out to one of our
pastors about requesting assistance from our Good S.A.M. or Actions & Truth Fund. If you continue to be in a position to help support the ministries and missions of Central financially, you may: give online at Central’s website, text your gift to 479-802-3343 (be sure to designate either Central or Genesis after your gift amount); or by mailing your gift to the church office at: Central UMC, Finance Office, PO Box 1106, Fayetteville, AR 72702.
We remain firmly committed to yield to God’s direction to guide us through these challenging times. Also, know that we continue to pray for you as well. Together, with God’s help, we will emerge from this valley to see what mountain God has in store for us.
Grace & Peace,
Dr. Jan Davis, Senior Pastor
Dr. Steve Pulliam, Executive Pastor
Brian Swain, Executive Director