Dear Central Family:
The great baseball philosopher Yogi Berra once said, “it is tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” The last several months have challenged all our efforts at predicting the future. The COVID pandemic has been going through many twists, turns, and evolutions. We anticipate more coming. We know that many of
you are very anxious to resume in-person worship, group meetings, and other campus activities and we long for that time as well. We also recognize that others have concerns about your health and safety in large groups. We respect and understand both perspectives and each person or family will have to make decisions that fit your unique situations and comfort level.
Central’s task force has spent much time reviewing guidelines, studying best practices, and seeking to discern next steps. We have found that the wisdom from Matthew 6:34 has proven to be very helpful to us. It reads, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own
trouble.” Essentially, we acknowledge that we will place our best plans before you but ask that you also understand that plans may have to be modified as we move forward.
Survey Results
About ten days ago, we received the results from a congregational survey. There were 504 responses to the survey.
- 84% have participated in online worship during the pandemic.
- 51% agree or strongly agree that they will only return to in-person worship when all COVID-19 protective measures are lifted. 27% disagreed or strongly disagreed with this sentiment.
- 47% said they plan to return to in-person worship by the fall. 29% were uncertain when they would return and 12% said they would only return when a vaccine is available.
- 86% or more said they would comply with wearing a facing covering, avoiding physical contact, and maintaining physical distancing upon a return to in-person worship.
- 41% said they would be willing to attend an online class this fall, while only 9% said they would only attend if the class was held in-person.
From those of you who commented on the survey, we saw most of the responses fall into three categories:
- Many of you expressed your gratitude for the church staff and their ability to provide online experiences and creative forms of ministry given the limitations of the past few months.
- Several of you expressed a desire to return to in-person worship as quickly as possible.
- A sizable number of you also expressed strong concerns and apprehension about returning to in-person worship anytime soon due to being in vulnerable group and/or having underlying conditions that place you at risk.
Our task force has been meeting on a weekly basis and developed the following plan based on guidance from Arkansas Conference Bishop Gary Mueller, the Arkansas Health Department, the survey results, and information learned from the experiences of other churches with which we conferred.
- Groups will be allowed to resume meeting on the church campus beginning Monday, July 13. The meetings must be scheduled with the church office to ensure that newly established capacity limits for each room are understood and that those coming understand the requirements of: wearing a face covering, physical distancing, and avoiding personal contact. A full policy is
available by clicking here.
- We are unable to offer childcare or on-campus children’s activities until approved by the Bishop. We are however offering a few limited outdoor activities.
- Student ministries has resumed limited programming utilizing guidance provided by the Bishop.
- In-person worship will resume on a limited basis on Sunday, August 9. Per the Bishop’s guidance, attendance at each service will be limited to 50 persons. Requirements for wearing a face covering, physical distancing, and avoiding personal contact will be in place. Online registration will open at noon on the Thursday preceding the upcoming Sunday
worship services. More information about the registration process will be made available in the weeks ahead through our weekly newsletter.
- The following in-person worship options will be available:
- Genesis Campus at 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM
- Classic worship in the Sanctuary at 10:45 AM
- Contemporary worship in the Activities Center at 10:45 AM
- In addition to in-person worship we will hold the following online experiences:
Please note that the 8:30 online contemporary service will cease after August 2
Church Finances
In the initial weeks of the pandemic, we faced a tremendous amount of uncertainty regarding our church finances. A combination of three things came together to leave us in very strong position as we enter the second half of the year. First, we have been able to reduce many of our expenses because of diminished on-campus operations. Second, we received a
Paycheck Protection Program loan. We have completed the use of the funds received and have prepared our application for loan forgiveness. When our bank is ready to receive it, we are very confident that the loan will be 100% forgiven. Finally, and most importantly, the Central family has exhibited a level of generosity and faithfulness through giving that is unprecedented especially in these times of challenge and hardship that so many of you, your families, friends, and
neighbors have experienced.
Please know how much we miss seeing each of you and being with you in worship. We offer our prayers of thanks to God for the privilege to serve in ministry with each of you at Central, where we seek to “Make Christ central to life for the people of northwest Arkansas and around the world.”
God’s Best!!
Dr. Jan Davis
Senior Pastor
Dr. Steve Pulliam
Executive Pastor
Brian Swain
Executive Director