A Statement from Dr. Jan Davis on New Denomination
Published: Thu, 03/12/20
March 12, 2020 Dear Central Family, Recently, a group of traditional UMC Bishops, advocacy group leaders and clergy from across the globe announced…
E News Subscribers
Published: Thu, 03/12/20
March 12, 2020 Dear Central Family, Recently, a group of traditional UMC Bishops, advocacy group leaders and clergy from across the globe announced…
Published: Thu, 03/12/20
a March 12, 2020 a U of A Wesley would like to invite you to their Donor Appreciation lunch on Sunday, April 19th to thank you for all your tremendous…
Published: Thu, 03/05/20
a March 5, 2020 a Join Central and Jews for Jesus for a traditional Passover Seder. Christ in the Passover shows the link between the ancient Festival…
Published: Thu, 02/27/20
a February 27, 2020 a Men of Central: You have an awesome opportunity to minister to men at the Wrightsville Unit of the Arkansas Department of…
Published: Fri, 02/21/20
February 21, 2020 Dear Central Family: An email went out to many church members today from a group called United for Central. This email did not come…
Published: Thu, 02/20/20
a February 20, 2020 a Observe the Lenten season by coming to one of our two traditional Ash Wednesday services. Let us take a posture of repentance as…
Published: Thu, 02/13/20
a February 16, 2020 a This Sunday is Wesley Day at Central! To read Wesley's Annual Report and for more information about their ministry, click here…
Published: Thu, 02/06/20
a February 9, 2020 a Come join our United Methodist Women (UMW) for an inspiring program followed by fellowship and a delicious soup supper in Wesley…
Published: Wed, 02/05/20
February 5, 2020 Central Family, Central’s Mid-week lineup of classes for adult, youth, and children WILL occur as scheduled. Winter weather and…
Published: Fri, 01/31/20
Central UMC - Statement from Central's Lay Leader and Church Council Chair 1/31/2020 Dear Church Family, With our denomination in the news so much…