Central E-Newsletter, your latest church news.
Published: Thu, 02/18/21
a February 17, 2021 a Throughout the season of Lent, all are invited to stop by the church and pick up a prayer cross. We will be accepting canned…
E News Subscribers
Published: Thu, 02/18/21
a February 17, 2021 a Throughout the season of Lent, all are invited to stop by the church and pick up a prayer cross. We will be accepting canned…
Published: Wed, 02/17/21
Ash Wednesday Services Streaming
Published: Fri, 02/12/21
February 12, 2021 Dear Central Family: This past December, a decision was made to suspend in-person worship due to a significant increase in the…
Published: Thu, 02/11/21
a February 11, 2021 a Central is planning a rich and powerful Ash Wednesday service with several ways for you to engage. Our Ash Wednesday service…
Published: Thu, 02/04/21
A Message from Blair Johanson, Chair of Staff-Parish Relations Committee February 4, 2021 Dear Central UMC Family: On behalf of the Staff Parish…
Published: Thu, 02/04/21
February 4, 2021 Memorial and honorarium gifts provide an opportunity to recognize the life of a loved one or impact an individual or group has made.
Published: Thu, 01/28/21
a January 28, 2021 a Central has every intention to continue bringing you discipleship classes to continue your spiritual growth. For more information…
Published: Thu, 01/21/21
a January 21, 2021 a Each Wednesday evening beginning at 6 p.m., join Dr. Steve Pulliam for a Facebook live devotional and prayer. Gather the family…
Published: Thu, 01/14/21
a January 14, 2021 a The Review is here! In our latest issue of the review, you can read about what Central has been up to in the past 6 months, and…
Published: Thu, 01/07/21
January 7, 2021 Dear Central Family, January 6, 2021 was a very sad day for our nation. Watching the violence unfold at the U.S. Capitol building was…