Central E-Newsletter, your latest church news.
Published: Thu, 03/25/21
a March 25, 2021 a U of A Wesley is hosting a Golf Classic and you can get involved through team participation or becoming an event sponsor. Get…
E News Subscribers
Published: Thu, 03/25/21
a March 25, 2021 a U of A Wesley is hosting a Golf Classic and you can get involved through team participation or becoming an event sponsor. Get…
Published: Mon, 03/22/21
March 22, 2021 Bishop Mike Lowry of the Central Te as Conference of the United Methodist Church has announced the appointment of Central’s current…
Published: Fri, 03/19/21
a March 19, 2021 a We have several ways to engage in the church during the Lenten season and Easter, including multiple options for Holy Week and…
Published: Wed, 03/17/21
Ash Wednesday Services Streaming
Published: Fri, 03/12/21
March 12, 2021 Dear Central Family: Earlier this week, we announced a COVID vaccination clinic that will be held tomorrow, (Saturday March 13) at the…
Published: Thu, 03/11/21
March 11, 2021 Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Be a blood donor today by going online now and scheduling your blood donation…
Published: Tue, 03/09/21
March 9, 2021 Dear Central Family: This Saturday, March 13, Central UMC is pleased to be hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic for employees of…
Published: Thu, 03/04/21
March 4, 2021 Memorial and honorarium gifts provide an opportunity to recognize the life of a loved one or impact an individual or group has made. For…
Published: Fri, 02/26/21
February 26 2021 Dear Central Family: The General Conference of the United Methodist Church is the denomination's top legislative body for all matters…
Published: Thu, 02/25/21
February 25, 2021 Our Lenten Meditation Services kicked off yesterday. If you haven't tuned in yet be sure to do so by clicking here. Don't forget to…